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Psychological Safety

Create a High-Performing and Innovative Culture

What is Psychological Safety?


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Strong psychological safety is at the core of high-performing workplaces. FlashPoint’s psychological safety solutions are designed to quickly integrate a language of inclusion and ensure your leaders, employees, and team members are safe to contribute, challenge the status quo, and innovate.

Psychological Safety at Work & Benefits



When people feel meaningfully connected and safe at work, they have a reason to bring their best ideas and effort to each and every challenge they face. Employee engagement and innovation cannot flourish without the freedom for leaders, employees, and team members to feel heard and express themselves, without fear of mistakes or reprisals.

Organizational culture has a profound influence on the way people behave and leaders are directly responsible for creating an environment of positivity and inclusion for employees and amongst team members. The presence of fear or self-censoring in an organization is the first sign of weak leadership and can overpower any one individual’s best attempts at creativity and innovation.

Benefits of Psychological Safety at Work

  • Enhance employee engagement
  • Inspire creativity and innovation
  • Improve well-being
  • Reduce disengagement and turn-over

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The 4 Stages of Psychological Safety™

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When psychological safety is high, people take more ownership for their work and use more discretionary effort, resulting in rapid learning and problem solving—all important outcomes that will drive better results in your organization.

The 4 Stages of Psychological Safety™, developed by Dr. Timothy Clark, describe a social condition in which human beings feel (1) included, (2) safe to learn, (3) safe to contribute, and (4) safe to challenge the status quo—all without fear of being embarrassed, marginalized, or punished in some way.

As participants progress through the four stages, they learn to create an inclusive environment, accelerate learning, increase contribution, and stimulate innovation. The four stages build on each other:

  • Inclusion Safety—accept people as they are with respect and civility, and extend a shared identity
  • Learner Safety—allow people to learn, grow to ask questions, and experiment without repercussions
  • Contributor Safety—encourage people to fully participate and create with competence and confidence
  • Challenger Safety—give people license to challenge and productively dissent without repercussions

The 4 Stages of Psychological Safety™ is grounded in research-based behaviors and teaches leaders how to operate at peak performance by getting every team member to feel engaged, trust one another, commit to common goals, and achieve business objectives.

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FlashPoint's Implementation Options—The Workshop and Reinforcement Solutions


With better psychological safety, every team leader, employee, or team member can learn, contribute, and challenge to bring their best to the organization.

The 4 Stages of Psychological Safety™ Cohort Workshop

Grounded in research-based behaviors, this workshop teaches participants how to operate at peak performance and feel engaged, trusting of one another, committed to common goals, and able to achieve business objectives. This program is actionable and comprehensive with activities and behaviors that leaders, employees, and teams can implement immediately.

Available as a 1/2 day in-person, or virtual program, the fast-paced, facilitated session includes a vulnerability self-assessment, digital workbook, and personalized action plan. Participants will learn about different aspects of psychological safety with interactive discovery-based learning throughout the workshop. Group coaching can be added as a reinforcement option following the cohort workshop. 

PSindex™ Team Assessment and Team Workshop

Measure your team’s current cultural impact and equip them with the tools, shared language, and understanding they need to make lasting change.

A leader’s team takes a 5-minute psychological safety assessment to benchmark their level of psychological safety and debrief their results as a team.

Available as a 1/2 day in-person, or virtual program for teams led by a leader with 3 or more direct reports, the expertly facilitated session creates a shared language and understanding while shining a light on team norms and leader behavior around vulnerability and patterns of interaction. A PSindex reassessment and 1:1 debrief with the leader, and individual coaching are available as reinforcement options following the session.

Who is Psychological Safety For?

The 4 Stages of Psychological Safety™ Workshop is flexible to meet the needs of senior leaders, managers, and individual contributors at all levels, including both intact and cross-functional teams.


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The 4 Stages Workshop Objectives

  1. Improve your interpersonal relationships in any social situation.
  2. Elevate the way people see you.
  3. Deepen your sense of inclusion and belonging.
  4. Accelerate your ability to learn, contribute, and create value.
  5. Transform the culture of your team by rewarding the vulnerability of others.

The 4 Stages™ Cohort Workshop Agenda and Content

Prior to the workshop, participants receive access to an interactive online platform with pre-work reading and videos. During the fast-paced, facilitated session, they will complete a vulnerability self-assessment and learn from 10 discovery areas on different aspects of psychological safety with interactive action planning throughout the workshop. Post-workshop, action planning continues with targeted follow-up for 30 days to help participants apply learning and practice on the job. The 4-hour online or in-person facilitated workshop sessions include the modules:

  • Becoming a Cultural Architect
  • The Power of Psychological Safety
  • What Psychological Safety Is Not
  • Inclusion Safety
  • Learner Safety
  • Contributor Safety
  • Challenger Safety
  • Action Planning
  • 30-day follow-on action items

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Resources For Promoting and Fostering Psychological Safety at Work

Psychological safety is the single most important factor in organizational performance, driving inclusion, learning, contribution, and innovation. If an organization’s culture is one where people do not feel seen or heard, they will not feel safe to innovate.

What You Should Know About Psychological Safety at Work
Psychological safety is a key component of highly engaged and productive teams and is becoming a non-negotiable for retaining talent.

Taking Your First Steps with Psychological Safety
More organizations are discovering that innovation can’t thrive without the presence of psychological safety.

How to Create an Effective Team According to Google's Project Aristotle
Studies at Google found the 5 behaviors of effective teams were psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning, and impact.

To Foster Innovation, Cultivate a Culture of Intellectual Bravery
Create a culture of intellectual bravery in which team members are willing to disagree, dissent, or challenge the status quo.
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Get Started with Psychological Safety

Ready to implement psychological safety in your organization? Reach out to a FlashPoint team member for more information.



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When our vulnerability is rewarded, we engage, contribute meaningfully, and enter an offensive mode of performance. We give of our discretionary effort and spend our time creating value. ”
—Dr. Timothy Clark,
The 4 Stages of Psychological Safety