The DiSC Profile, Explained: How Two Identical DiSC Styles Can be Unique

We’ve all been through trainings that have left us thinking “This was good content, but what can I take back with me?” Or worse, thinking “I can use this back in the office” and then a few months later, we realize we barely remember what we learned.
However, this time it’s different–you just completed an Everything DiSC® assessment and training. You want to leverage what you learned about yourself and others in a concrete way.
So how do you make that last? How can you make sure what you learned continues influencing your daily interactions, rather than letting this be a training that fades away?
I love DiSC® because it is something I can leverage every day–for communication styles, motivators, stressors, or all of the above. By regularly talking about my DiSC® style and the style of those around me, I’ve learned to adapt my style to better meet their needs. We all experience richer interactions, leaving us more satisfied and empowered and less frustrated and disengaged.
If you are interested in reading more about DiSC, you can read our other blogs, including perspectives from FlashPoint employees with different styles and our infographic on the basics of Everything DiSC®:
5 Fast Facts About Everything DiSC® [Infographic]
What To Do After Learning Your DiSC Style
D Style Coworker: Using DiSC As a Salesperson and Remote Employee
i Style Coworker: Integrating into a New Team: 3 Tips from a DiSC iS Style
S Style Coworker: What DiSC® Taught Me in My First Year of Work
C Style Coworker: How Learning Your DiSC® Style Can Make a Difference for a C
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