Everything DiSC® is a behavioral assessment highlighting your specific priorities, preferences, and tendencies in the workplace. The aim of Everything DiSC® is to provide us with knowledge about ourselves and others in order to create more effective relationships with coworkers.
In addition to providing information on your own style, the assessment also provides tips for communicating with and adapting to other styles. This is the heart of DiSC®—learning to better understand how others’ preferences can guide your behavior to create a healthier working relationship where you both get to be your best selves.
I also lean towards a Di (i.e., a tail), which means I want to keep things moving. I tend to prefer innovation rather than process and become quite drained if I have to spend extended periods of time wading through details (made more draining when doing it alone!).
But unlike Rachel T., I lean toward a C style (a tail that lies on the opposite side of the DiSC spectrum when compared to Rachel T.’s Di tail). That means that I also value structure, processes, and clarity. Unlike Rachel T., I enjoy making sure the details are perfect and find it challenging to deal with uncertain or unclear tasks that she might find exciting or energizing. And it also means that I sometimes prefer to work solo on projects (and find it draining when working collaboratively for long periods of time).
In practice, though we have the same DiSC® style (and the same name!), we have a variety of differences in how we prefer to work and communicate. That’s why we find DiSC® helpful; it gives me an idea of when I might need to slow down and leave some space for Rachel S. to think and work solo on a project. And it gives Rachel S. an idea of when she might need to speed up to meet me in the middle.