7 Internal Methods to Support The Leadership Challenge
Continue to Sustain Learning After The Leadership Challenge® with Communications and Coaching
Leadership initiatives have a greater chance of success when they are supported internally through executive involvement, communication, and peer advocacy.
The Leadership Challenge® reinforcement can include no-cost reinforcement inside your organization. Although these tips focus on reinforcing The Leadership Challenge®, you can reinforce any type of leadership development program with no-cost, low-cost, and FlashPoint-supported reinforcement.
Here are 7 no-cost internal practices to sustain learning and create lasting organizational impact with The Leadership Challenge®.
Option One: Leverage Peer Coaching and Accountability Partners
Encourage workshop participants to find an accountability partner and schedule regular conversations to keep their leadership practices alive. Ask them to commit to connecting with their partners two to three times following the workshop to share issues and help each other work through challenges.
Why use these resources?
These engagements help create a culture of accountability, build strong cross-functional relationships, and increase knowledge-sharing.
Option Two: Incorporate The Leadership Challenge® Language into Communications
Highlight quotes or other leadership messages from The Leadership Challenge® in your regular internal communications.
Why use these resources?
This creates a common leadership language throughout your organization and can reinforce shared values across teams. This can help foster a culture of learning and improvement.
Option Three: Schedule Lunch & Learns
Leverage internal champions as group facilitators for hour-long lunch-and-learns. These sessions can be focused on connecting the LPI® behaviors to workplace goals and challenges.
Why use these resources?
Lunch and learns are an easy opportunity to continue learning. They help set aside a time to foster learning and growth, while building community.
Option Four: Celebrate and Recognize Program Graduates
Look for opportunities to celebrate the program graduates by listing those who graduated on the organization’s intranet, social media, or other communications tools. Highlight leaders by telling their stories and how they are applying what they learned back on the job.
Why use these resources?
Celebrating a leaders’ success helps reinforce leadership behavior. It provides an opportunity to recognize that leaders that are making strides with their action plans and encourages them to keep moving forward.
Option Five: Create Action Learning Projects to Discuss Business Challenges
Ask participants to work in small groups to identify a current challenge/opportunity for change at the organization and identify small wins for each of the issues.
Why use these resources?
This exercise in leadership will provide insight into how participants are modeling the key messages discussed in The Leadership Challenge® Workshop. This activity allows participants to apply the Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership® to a current business issue at the organization.
Option Six: Utilize Program Graduates as Mentors or Presenters
Ask program graduates to come back and share their leadership vision or values with a future group of participants. This can bring the content to life and make the activities relevant in the content of the organization.
Why use this resource?
What better way to reinforce concepts than by having program graduates mentor and advise current participants? It provides an opportunity for the graduates to re-engage with the material, but also apply it in a real world context as they mentor current participants.
Option Seven: Create Ongoing The Leadership Challenge® Development Plans
Provide an action planning template to participants to document their progress. This can be converted into a survey link as well, where you can collect the areas of focus for all program participants.
Why use this resource?
A development plan not only helps participants stay accountable to the goals they committed to during the workshop, but it can also be helpful in determining other development needs your participants may have.
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