FlashPoint Leadership Insights

Group Coaching: 8 Benefits for Your Organization

Written by Holly Seaton | October 10, 2017
Photo by Mpho Mojapelo on Unsplash

Coaching benefits for groups and individuals

Long gone are the days that coaching was a punitive measure to increase an employee’s problematic performance. Group coaching can serve many different needs, whether your team needs to be better connected or more accountable. What are the potential benefits for your group?

  • Breaks down silos by helping cross-functional teams collaborate across departments and think together to solve a business problem.
  • Weakens barriers to success by increasing vulnerability, trust, and shared information amongst participants.
  • Improves internal functions by allowing an intact team to explore issues in-depth.
  • Grows emerging leaders by increasing confidence in their ability to lead at a higher level and preparing them to consider future scenarios.
  • Builds a support system by encouraging employees to collaboratively solve challenges, build skills, and create networks with peers including informal mentorship.
  • Enhances camaraderie by giving participants shared experiences, knowledge, and language to discuss challenges.
  • Multiplies application of information and learning through participants sharing takeaways, examples, and practical applications.
  • Increases accountability and transfer of knowledge from formal training programs to the day-to-day workplace.


A successful group coaching program can yield cost-effective, excellent results. Whether it’s a cross-functional team or a group of emerging leaders, the group coaching benefits include personalized application of concepts, accountability, and relationship development. Leaders of today are looking for organizations that will invest in them as they grow into higher roles and group coaching is one way that L&D and HR professionals can meet those needs.