FlashPoint Leadership Insights

Great Leadership Can Be Learned

Written by Kara Janssen | October 08, 2024

Lessons from The Leadership Challenge

One of the most inspiring ideas surrounding leadership is that great leadership can be learned. This is a powerful concept, especially for individuals who might feel they are not “natural-born leaders.” By understanding the behaviors that contribute to effective leadership, anyone can develop the skills necessary to guide a team toward success.

Not the ‘Who’, but the ‘How’

Leadership is more than just guiding a team. It’s about fostering a culture that motivates, inspires, and brings out the best in people. But what does it take to truly lead effectively, especially if you don’t consider yourself a “natural-born leader”? While there are many opinions on this, let’s take a cue from the first page of The Leadership Challenge (The Leadership Challenge, 6th Edition) by James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner:

"Leadership isn’t the private reserve of a few charismatic men and women. It’s a process ordinary people use when they’re bringing forth the best from themselves and others."

To put it simply—leadership is accessible to everyone and not limited to certain people.

The focus shifts from "who" can lead to "how" one can develop the necessary skills. Kouzes and Posner emphasize that leadership is not about position or authority but about a journey of learning, unlearning, and applying. It’s not reserved for those with a particular title, or those who have the loudest voice in the room. Instead, it’s about learning how to interact, how to adapt, and how to create an environment where others thrive.

By focusing on the ‘how’—how to build trust, how to encourage innovation, how to empower others—anyone can develop the skills to lead, regardless of their starting point. Anyone, from an entry-level employee to a seasoned executive, can lead by refining positive behaviors over time.

A Guideline to Greatness: The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership®

The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership were developed by James Kouzes and Barry Posner after analyzing thousands of personal-best leadership experiences from managers across various industries. From this research, they identified five key behaviors that successful leaders consistently demonstrate. These practices form the foundation of The Leadership Challenge framework, offering insight into key behaviors that can shape good leaders into great ones:

1. Model the Way

Leaders learn to set the example by intentionally aligning their actions with their values. This behavior is cultivated by consistently making conscious choices that reflect integrity and transparency, creating an environment where others feel compelled to follow suit.

2. Inspire a Shared Vision

Developing the ability to inspire requires practice. Leaders learn to craft a compelling vision by engaging with their teams, understanding their aspirations, and uniting them around a purpose that everyone can embrace. This is a skill that grows through communication, listening, and emotional intelligence.

3. Challenge the Process

Learning to question the status quo is something that leaders actively work on. This involves developing the confidence to seek out innovative solutions, encourage calculated risk-taking, and embrace failure as a learning opportunity. It’s a behavior that becomes stronger with experience and reflection.

4. Enable Others to Act

Leaders aren't born knowing how to empower their teams. They develop this ability by fostering a culture of trust, collaboration, and shared responsibility. Through training and practice, leaders learn how to delegate effectively, provide support, and create an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued.

5. Encourage the Heart

Recognizing achievements and uplifting team members is a learned behavior. Effective leaders make a conscious effort to acknowledge contributions, celebrate successes, and maintain high morale. This is cultivated over time as leaders understand the profound impact that encouragement and recognition have on motivation and resilience.

Embracing Your Inner Leader with The Leadership Challenge

Research shows that 83% of organizations view leadership development as essential to their business success. By investing in leadership programs, both individuals and businesses can reap the rewards of empowered, motivated, and highly capable leaders.

The message from The Leadership Challenge is clear: leadership is not a talent possessed by a select few, but a set of skills that anyone can learn and cultivate. By following the Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership, individuals at any stage of their career can strengthen their ability to inspire and guide others.

Great leadership is not about being born with a particular set of traits. It’s about making a conscious choice to learn, grew, and apply behaviors that drive success—behaviors anyone can adopt with the right guidance and practice. Whether you’re an aspiring leader or someone looking to refine your skills, embracing these practices can elevate your leadership potential and make a lasting impact.

Registration closing soon! Join us Thursday, November 7 & Friday, November 8, 2024 for The Leadership Challenge® Workshop online to receive personalized, rigorous leadership training and interact with other leaders pursuing development goals all while building a personal leadership development that connects your current role to your future goals: