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Team Effectiveness by Kara Janssen

Which Goal-Setting Framework is Right for You?

When it comes to setting goals, two frameworks often come to mind: SMART and REAL. Both approaches aim to create effective and actionable goals,...

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August 22, 2024

Tracy Puett

is a past FlashPoint employee who's passionate about curriculum design, facilitation, and coaching.

Recent Posts

How To Choose An External Coaching Support Partner: 9 Questions to Ask

A 4-Point Guide to Help You Pick a Coaching Provider

Here in the U.S. we truly live in abundance. Almost every time I go to the store I am overwhelmed by the choices available—who knew there were so...

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June 29, 2016


Shedding Light on Silent, Unnamed Team Dynamics

The Five Behaviors®: Team Development Helps Guide a Team Out of the Woods

One of my favorite things to do is day-hike in the beautiful outdoors in my part of Northern Arizona, where we have a huge...

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June 20, 2016

Team Effectiveness

Are You a Robotic Leader?

5 Questions to Gauge Your Level of Emotional Intelligence

Ever-evolving technology, globalization, and other factors have changed the way we interact as humans, which in turn changes the way we do...

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March 30, 2016

Leadership Development