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Team Effectiveness by Kara Janssen

Lessons from The Leadership Challenge

One of the most inspiring ideas surrounding leadership is that great leadership can be learned. This is a powerful concept, especially for individuals who...

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October 08, 2024

Linda Dausend

CPLP, is a senior consultant at FlashPoint. Linda collaborates with clients to unlock the power of great leaders within their organizations.

Recent Posts

To Improve Teamwork During Change, Focus on Communication and Trust

Effective Teams Create Trust and Actively Share Feedback

Getting and receiving feedback is a powerful behavior for leaders to practice that becomes even more critical during times of change and...

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February 03, 2021

Team Effectiveness

How to Lead When Everything is Constantly Changing

Leadership Strategies for Constant Change in a World of Whitewater Rapids

Very early this year, I had a chance to get to the Rocky Mountains for some whitewater rafting. When my daughter was very...

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October 07, 2020

Leadership Development

Creating Trust on a Team

Photo by Neil Thomas on Unsplash

Trust Must Come First For Effective Teamwork

The most important foundational component for an effective team? When asked, most people will say: trust

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August 13, 2019

Team Effectiveness

Peer Coaching is Powerful for Leadership Development

Peer coaching unlocks leaders' abilities to strengthen others

The value coaching provides as a supplement to a leadership development program, or as a stand-alone development solution, for leaders...

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June 19, 2019


7 Advantages of Having an External Coaching Provider

Photo by  Cesar Carlevarino Aragon on Unsplash

Broaden your leader development toolkit with external resources

As learning and development has matured, we have seen emerging trends reinforced,...

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November 08, 2018


7 Factors to Consider When Choosing an External Executive Coach

External coaches provide reflection and development

I remember the first time I had my own coach. Of course, I’ve had a variety of coaches throughout my career – including those managers and mentors...

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June 26, 2018


Don't Wait for a Promotion To Lead

Photo by Scott Webb on Unsplash

Honing Influence to Build Leadership Skills

For years we at FlashPoint have been talking about the importance of leaders – and specifically emerging leaders – to not...

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May 15, 2018

Leadership Development

Coach Your Employees like a Geocacher

Photo by Matt Artz on Unsplash

Uncover unique Treasures in Your Direct reports with coaching

Imagine hundreds of thousands of treasures buried EVERYWHERE—treasures that are available for anyone to...

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April 26, 2018


Key Characteristics of Inclusive Leadership in Organizations

Horia Varlan // cc by 2.0 //

How do you Identify and Nurture Inclusive Leaders?

Leadership is about relationships. The nature of workplace relationships has dramatically shifted as we continue to...

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August 10, 2017

Leadership Development

Disruption and Leadership in the Digital Age

Joel Bramely // cc by 2.0 //


The gap between organizations needing effective leaders and having a ready pipeline of talented successors is a challenge facing CEOs...

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June 28, 2017

Leadership Development