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Team Effectiveness by Kara Janssen

Which Goal-Setting Framework is Right for You?

When it comes to setting goals, two frameworks often come to mind: SMART and REAL. Both approaches aim to create effective and actionable goals,...

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August 22, 2024

Krista Skidmore

, CEO and Cofounder of FlashPoint, is passionate about all things leadership. She manages FlashPoint's strategic direction with integrity and insight.

Recent Posts

20 Elements to Include in Leadership Development Programs

Creating Leadership Programs From Emerging Leaders to Executive Leaders

While all leaders have common leadership challenges, there are aspects of leadership unique to each leader level. Making the...

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September 22, 2021

Leadership Development

5 Ways to Give Better Feedback

Giving Tough Feedback is Part of the Manager’s Role

Giving feedback is a critically important skill for managers, but it’s also one of the hardest skills for leaders to master. Often, they fall into...

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September 15, 2021

Leadership Development

Keeping Up With the "New Normal"

Will Your Leadership Programs Meet the Needs of Future Leaders?

Over the past 1-2 years, so much has happened to us: life, loss, excitement, despair, opportunity, disruption, and so much more. While...

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September 01, 2021

Leadership Development

Mentoring is Now More Important Than Ever

Challenging Times Call for A Focus on Mentoring

I’ve recently been thinking a lot about mentoring both personally and professionally. Mentoring has the power to create deeper connections, build a...

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February 17, 2021

Leadership Development

2021 Is Our Year Of Hope

2020 was an interesting, unprecedented, strange, stressful, ambiguous, and uncertain year

It was also a year of great innovation, where I was reminded that together we can achieve greatness.


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January 06, 2021

Agile Leadership Could Be Our Path Forward

The New Normal Work Context Demands Agile Organizations and Leadership

Our traditional organizational model relied on and created stability in a well-known environment. We had predictable work, a...

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November 19, 2020

Leadership Development

Now More Than Ever Is A Great Time to Start Coaching

Coaching for Future-Focused Leadership Development

Not too long ago, coaching was mainly performance-related. It focused on the past, discussed not meeting standards or goals, and was sometimes even...

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September 02, 2020


What Skills Do Leaders Need Right Now?

Photo by  Jack Douglass on Unsplash

Challenges Leaders FAce in a Changing World

With everything leaders are facing in the workplace, they need new capabilities to pursue shifting business goals,...

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May 12, 2020

Leadership Development

Leadership Trends That Shape the Future of Work

The Four Forces @ Work: Disruption, Destabilization, Decentralization, and Disillusionment

As a consulting firm, one of the ways we share our expertise with our clients is to make it easy to keep up...

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January 21, 2020

Leadership Development

Preparing Leaders for the Future: The Antidote to the VUCA Challenge

Develop Exemplary Leadership Practices in a Challenging VUCA World

Recently, we had the privilege of conducting an enrichment day at one of our client organizations. Members of HR, talent...

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January 05, 2020

Leadership Development