Welcome to The Leadership Challenge® Workshop, March 7-8, 2024

Your Main Contact:

Shannon Lavery
Direct: (317) 229-3035, ext. 3301

Return to the Pre-Work Home Page

Workshop Agenda 
Day 1: Thursday, March 7, 2024

7:00 a.m. PT/10:00 a.m. ET - Plan to log in 5 minutes early via Zoom

  • Welcome and Introductions
  • Orienteering
  • LPI® Reflection
  • Model the Way Part 1

11:00 a.m. PT/2:00 p.m. ET

  • Lunch

12:30 p.m. PT/3:30 p.m. ET

  • Model the Way Part 2
  • Inspire a Shared Vision

3:00 p.m. PT/6:00 p.m. ET

  • Workshop Close

Day 2: Friday, March 8, 2024

7:00 a.m. PT/10:00 a.m. ET - Plan to log in 5 minutes early via Zoom

  • Welcome and Review of Day 1
  • Vision Sharing
  • Challenge the Process
  • Enable Others to Act Part 1

11:00 p.m. PT/2:00 p.m. ET

  • Lunch

12:00 p.m. PT/3:00 p.m. ET

  • Enable Others to Act Part 2
  • Encourage the Heart
  • Current Leadership Challenge Peer Coaching
  • Committing

3:00 p.m. PT/6:00 p.m. ET

  • Close and Celebration

For more information on the workshop, refer back to your Event Registration Confirmation.

Pre-work Instructions

Greetings! We look forward to welcoming you to The Leadership Challenge® Workshop on Thursday, March 7 & Friday, March 8, 2024. Below are your pre-work assignments and instructions for setting up your LPI®: Leadership Practices Inventory® 360-assessment.


We want to help you make the most of this experience and the pre-work is a very important part of the workshop. Participants repeatedly tell us they wish they had started the pre-work sooner. Please plan to spend around 20 minutes on your LPI® self-assessment, 20 minutes inviting and setting up observers in the LPI® online system, and 1 hour for the additional pre-work below.

Click here for an overview video that provides more details on all the pre-work. This will prepare you for completing the LPI® assessment and accompanying pre-work assignments.

1. Characteristics of an Admired Leader and What I Hope to Accomplish

  • Complete and submit online here.

2. My Personal Best Leadership Experience and My Current Leadership Challenge

  • Download here, print, complete, and bring to the workshop.

3. LPI®: The Leadership Practices Inventory® 360-Degree Assessment

  • Identify Observers: An important component of this workshop is the feedback you’ll receive through the LPI®. Take some time now to consider who you’d like to receive feedback from on your leadership behaviors and identify at least 7-10 people as your observers.
  • Read the LPI® 360 Instructions (click the link to download to your computer): In these pages you’ll find an overview of the LPI®, specific instructions, and a sample email we recommend you send your observers prior to setting them up for the 360 assessment
  • Check Your Email: Soon you will receive an email from notifications@lpionline.com with the subject line “Welcome to the Leadership Practices Inventory 360”.
  • Complete the LPI® and Set Up Observers: The email from notifications@lpionline.com contains the link to the LPI® 360 assessment tool where you’ll complete your self-assessment and set up your observers. Please begin ASAP! 

You can also review an overview of The Leadership Challenge® for more information on the leadership model.


Amy Savage


Amy Savage, Certified Master of The Leadership Challenge® and Leadership Practices Inventory®



Shannon Lavery, Associate Project Coordinator, Workshop Coordinator